Sunday, July 19, 2015

RESURRECTION DAY! Protostartopia returns soon!


Greetings and Salutations! It's nice to say that again, I am -Z- as some know me, others Zil or Zilvis is fine. Being that I'm playing Wildstar quite regularly again plus starting some weekly WZW(Wild Z Wednesday) on my you tube channel found here the blog is BACK! Yeah, glad this don't have autocorrect or that phrase could go totally wrong. :) Anywho, what can be expected on Protostartopia 2.0 as i get back in, art of course, updates based around the game maybe and my channel and such. Any new WildStar related items appearing soon in my Etsy shop, regular articles talking about my opinions on each class, race, aspect of the game. Finally I may dive back into the community and see who's still out there by once again posting my Sunday Sit down series, interviews with the best and brightest in the community. All this and chips! OK maybe not chips but Granok beer for those old enough might be supplied...if that Chua can find some more that fell off the back of a truck...hmm...but until then keep your feet on Nexus, may your tail wave true, and keep your gears oiled, whomever those apply to guys....things are gonna get wild yes but more importantly things are about to get real!


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