Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"I want to hold your hand"

"I want to hold your hand"

     Greetings all, welcome to another batch of rambling goodness from me Zilvis as always. This week I thought I'd go into hand holding in games,not just MMO's (although it's a problem at times).So what is hand holding you may ask? To me if a game makes it just overly easy to accomplish the simplest of things that's hand holding. If it seems like the game is telling you, "hey here ya go, I know your not smart enough here's a clue"....that's hand holding. 
     What I question is where exactly did this start? I understand things like guides and websites have been out for ages but those are fully 100% optional. Games taking away things like true exploring, true puzzle solving, and experiencing the unknown may be fine for those seeking zero challenge but some of us encourage it.Console games this can be bad,buy a game and so many signs and map indicators and such let you kill the game in just a few hours was it worth the money?
     In the case of a MMO maybe slightly different reasoning apply but the hand holding can still be overbearing and not a great mechanic. I understand some of you enjoy it, maps with 40 icons pointing here and there, npcs giving blatant tips on how to achieve a task or kill, autopath running to  each quest. These are all examples and some like them...I do not. I think something like an MMO can be perfectly fine with out tons of helpful clues, 25 minute tutorials, and something flashing saying "Here I am" every 5 minutes.                
     I know in some cases MMO companies have said it was due to people complaining of the difficulty in finding a quest or mob or quest item. I get this in some ways but what if people want a bit more difficulty then say a million signs or flashing dots on a map? In alot of cases it's not optional and that's when I have a problem. If every aspect of things like this were optional, able to be turned off that could be some of a solution. The thing is when people are presented with options it's rare you won't go for the easy route. That has to do with time and effort and basic lazy qualities we've been hand held now into the ground. Is it impossible to fix? I doubt it as all a game has to do is not put those features in and stick by their convictions.
     So will the days of hand holding go away? I never see that happening because between younger gamers, (I won't say because someone's ten they need more help,let's say it's on a basis to basis situation) those with less time then others but want to keep the same pace, and the ones who love the tells and hints it will stick around. I just think options to go basic, go dark, make things less point A to point B would be a nice thing for those of us truly wishing to explore and discover unhindered. 
      Just my opinions as always but leave comments below if you like or hit me up on twitter!

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