Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Sit down with Shrivasta "A (Grievance)Girl Gamer"

A (Grievance)Girl Gamer

Hello Exiles and Dominion of the planet Nexus and beyond! My name is Zilvis. This is my end of the week community spotlight that I’ll be doing each and every week to delve a little more into who a certain member of the WildStar community is, learn the what and why of their choice to migrate to Nexus, and maybe some surprises along the way. The way I looked at it we're all community bound like brothers and sisters in this game of WildStar. Why not get to know someone a bit better? Once again welcome, sit back, and prepare to meet this week's community member. She's very busy all the time on Twitter,FB, and her streams, a proud member of The Grievance Girls, Shrivasta! Welcome to Sunday Sit down. 
I’ll let you write a little introduction. 
If you have other monikers some may know you by, feel free to throw them out there. Mainly just tell where people can find you online and any background you'd like to share we might not know.

 Thanks Zil, I'm very honored to be on this weeks Sit down.
I have been a member of the Grievance Community for two years prior to becoming the Marketing Director.  

Question 1:As this is a WildStar themed project, we'll get those underway first. As most of us at one time or another have asked ourselves, what is WildStar?

WildStar is hopefully going to be my last stop in the long line of MMO searching.

Question 2: What is one thing in the game you’re most hoping to be perfectly done, whether because it's needed or just something for your experience specifically?

Guild mechanics- other games have very limited control or interface.  Also very much looking forward to warplots and PVP with the twist that Carbine has included its going to be not only very competitive but fun overall. Well, who are we kidding anything that can get me a clean head shot lol

Question 3: I did a blog post discussing maybe why someone might pick one race over another in WildStar. What race do you think you identify with and why, even if it won't necessarily be your main?

I will be rolling the saucy but classy Aurin..  How do I identify you ask? Looks innocent but very deadly!

Question 4: I'm sure everyone has their WildStar moment, as I call it, that quintessential thing that cinched in your decision on the game.

One word Rowsdower!
In all seriousness I love the over all theme of the game. What really drew me in is the innate sense of community the Carbine team has and is keeping to in the development of this game.  For me it feels like home

Question 5: What aspect of WildStar are you most excited about and feel you'll spend the most time on such as Questing-Housing-PVP?

I'm excited about the Warplots, housing, PVP and the promise of incoming content on a regular basis . As for spending my time well I have to get in there to decorate my house, as well post a sign for "Roommate Wanted" to start the search for the perfect person to share my home.

Question 6: Out of everyone from Carbine that you've interacted with, who has surprised you the most for one thing or another by what you have seen that they have said or done so far?

I just love Jon Wiseman's sense of humor. Jen Bardic has designed the Arena Game play in WildStar just for me lol. Love that feeling when you can suggest something and it actually gets considered and put in a game.

Question 7: If you were given the power to either alter the game in some way or add something to it that has not been mentioned or rumored, what would it be and why?

Flying spacecraft mounts that players could craft with artifacts. If you find an artifact that matches your race bonus stats!

Question 8: What is the one thing you want Carbine on a personal level or business level to know that you yourself have enjoyed from them?

I have enjoyed the stance Carbine has taken with the community in sticking to there guns on the vision of the game.

OK, that's it for the cross section on WildStar Q's. Next is a few Q's to get to know Shrivasta a bit better besides her amazing exploits across Nexus!

Question 9: What originally had drawn you to Grievance and specifically The Grievance Girls?

Grievance Global Gaming is about Family Honor and Loyalty above all. We understand that everyone has real life obligations and family time comes first.  With the GGGirls we have fun in everything we do, there is something to be said about playing a game and everyone is all about the accessories and dye colors.

Question 10: How long have you been gaming and what are your top 3 moments you'd say you remember in your own personal gaming history?

I have been gaming for over 10yrs, most memorable moment would be when my husband first approached me to game.  I tried my hand at healing knowing nothing about an MMO. .  Death after death after death I promptly changed to tanking.

Question 11: Besides Gaming and Internet goodness do you have any other interests or hobbies you find fun?

I spent my first 20 years as an executive chef. So I'm a true foodie at heart.

Question 12: Your super active in talking on twitter with various people, live streaming, doing charity work, and guild related things,have you always been community oriented like this or is it something new for you?

I have always been an active community person. I love meeting new people and hearing their views on games. 

Question 13: Shrivasta, is there any hidden talents or trade skills you'd like to share? Is there something new you'd like to learn?

I have always wanted to learn to play the guitar.

Question 14: Simple one now I promise. Do you have any pets? If you could have any real or made up pet, what would it be?

I have two dogs one is a Jack Russel the other is a Jack Russel Shitzu mix

Question 15: Finally, If there were one person living or dead, real or fake that you could sit down and have a long discussion with, who would it be and why?

Abraham Lincoln or Napoleon- They both were great men of there time.  I would love to get there views on how our laws and government structure has changed in 2013.

OK, Shrivasta, I hope that wasn't too painful for you. I appreciate you being a guest for the Sunday Sit down. Now, I’ll let you have free reign. If there's anything else not asked here that you'd like to get out there that you think would be interesting for us to know, feel free to share. Things like plugs for your twitter or anything, and of course feel free to give shout outs of any kind!

I have started a fund to fulfill a goal to establish a Non Profit organization. This organization would be centered around the two things I'm passionate about Gaming and Charity.

With the support of the community in which I belong to we would use our passion for gaming to raise funds for charities such as Children's Miracle Network, Make-a-wish, Autism speaks, and more.

That's it Folks. Everything you'd want to know about Shrivasta and hopefully more! I thank her again for putting up with me as well as you the reader. Each and every week we will have a new and fascinating community member to learn about and see what really does make the WildStar community tick inside and out. Feel free to contact me anytime on twitter @zilvis78, comment below, or if you bump into me on the interwebs say hi!

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