Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Good things, great people!


       Hello all in Nexus, Twitterland, Turntable, and beyond. This week i'm going to talk about things people don't have to do but do it anyways. Naturally i'm going to discuss the Arkships that Carbine puts on for fans. Now I'm not sure i'll ever have the chance to attend one of these but I do want to give them props. Now for those of you that have no idea what an Arkship is, Carbine: Makers of a little game called WildStar will invite fans to these special parties to celebrate and meet. Now yes I know conventions and after parties do happen occasionally, but from what I've read, heard, and seen this is drastically different. In true Carbine fashion they have not only guest appearances and exclusive game play, but are completely interactive as well. They party right alongside, not trying to be anything but hospitable and naturally simply people. 
       I watched the internet buzz all during the Friday party, saw the pics being tweeted, and heard from people from there and it sounded way more then it ever could have been. On a personal standpoint a Dev personally passed along a little message to a friend that I sent via Twitter (Which I'll elaborate on this Fri.) and I found that particularly killer. People like Josh mills, Kash of Mognation, and Mythos of WildStarLore.com all had a blast and walked away with many great things to say.
       So what is my point of this? They do not have to do this. They are a great company of great people. The game looks so promising and solid why they do such amazing extra work astounds me. This isn't some fluff piece of "I'm a Carbine Fanboy" it's an honest observation of something never needed but much appreciated. All the twitter stuff, rocking out in Turntable, and appearances in forums and chats is all great things that really makes the community feel connected. The extra-extra step of having these parties is just something that makes people say Carbine is a company of people, not just "devs" or "Industry professionals".
      Them doing this and everything else promotes that not only do they want their game to succeed through the community, but that they want it done is such a way that is comfortable and relaxing. They don't want us to say its just another MMO or we're just simply players of their game. What this says to me is we're all in this together and together we will evolve this already amazing project and create a community like none other. If there's another community as overall close knit and full of not only amazing peeps excited for the game but also developers doing what Carbine is doing I dare them to compare notes.:) I don't see it happening and it's all thanks to everyone involved, them and us which seems blurred-mixed-and muddled and I don't know about Chua but I like it that way! (Yes I had to get one pun in guys...it's me after all)

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